Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Cherry Wheat Transfer

Earlier today I transferred Jennifer's Cherry Wheat over to the secondary. The final gravity of the beer was measured at 1.014. This means the beer is at about 6% abv.

However, when I racked to secondary, I added another pound of cherries to help further sweeten and add more cherry flavor to the beer. This time, I didn't add all of the juices from the can, just the cherries. I did slice the cherries up a bit, but not too much. I wanted to let more flavor come out of the cherries, but not have a bunch of pieces of cherry floating around in the beer.

I'll let it sit for a good 2 weeks before I bottle it and get it ready for drinking. The SWMBO will be ready for it by that point. The baby should be all born and made by that point!

Meanwhile, in Hurricanes news: We're almost mathematically eliminated from the playoffs! Even if we win out, there's still a slim chance we could not make the playoffs. Even with the teasing that we've gotten in the past two months, we were that much worse back in October and November that it didn't matter in the long run.

Perhaps next season, we won't get off to this horrible slow start that will haunt us later on in the the season. But, perhaps that's too much to ask...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

The Schitz! Barleywine Tasting

Tuesday was the one year anniversary of our cat, Schitzie's, death.

A little less than a year ago, I posted that I would brew up a big Barleywine in her memory. Well, it was brewed up quite a while ago, and has aged for almost a full year. Tuesday night, it was time to try it out.

I had tried The Schitz! Barleywine before Tuesday night though. However back then, the beer had only bulk aged for about a month in the secondary. It was extremely hot flavored, with a very prominent alcohol flavor. Thankfully, after almost a year the beer has really mellowed out.

The Schitz! turned out to be a pretty strange color. A medium brown color that has some strong red and orange highlights. This bottle, which was a large 16 ouncer, didn't have much head retention or carbonation in it. I'll need further research to see if this is just from this bottle, or for the entire batch of beer (oh no!).

The smell of The Schitz! was very malty and caramelly sweet with some fruity esters fairly prominent. The hop aroma and flavor have either aged out of the beer, or just were never present. There's no real way to know since I hadn't tried one till now. The flavor is very similar to the nose. Very malty with lots of caramel flavor and a bit of fruity esters. Overly not bad, but there should be more hop flavor for this to truly be considered an American Barleywine. It can still pretty much pass for an English Barleywine though.

This is still a very strong ale. At somewhere between 10-11% abv, this beer will kick in with just a quarter of it in you. I'll have to make sure to be careful around The Schitz!, she's definitely going to sneak up on me!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Finally! Jennifer's Cherry Wheat!

For anyone who's been following what's been in the Pipeline for the 9 months or so, you'll know that I've had "Jennifer's Cherry Wheat" in the "On Deck" position for quite some time now. Well, it's finally come to pass that this beer has been brewed!

I brewed it up on Saturday in between the USA demolishing Finland in the Semi-Finals of Olympic Hockey, and the USA losing a heartbreaker to Canada on Sunday.

The SWMBO has long loved Sam Adams' Cherry Wheat beer. It's been one of her favorites for quite sometime now and I told her that I'd do my best to brew her a clone, but with the incubation of the future brewer in her belly the beer had to be put on hold. But, since we're getting so close to the due date, I went ahead and brewed it up so it'd be ready by the time she'd be ready to partake again.

Here's the recipe:

5.5 lbs of Dry Wheat Malt Extract.

4 oz of Crystal 20L

.5 oz. of Magnum 11.2% at 60 min.

.25 oz of Cascade 5.2% at 10 min.

With 5 minutes left in the boil I added 1 pound of cherries that I pureed in the blender.

The Original gravity came out to 1.060. Beersmith had guessed 1.048 without considering the added sugars of the cherries. The true Original Gravity, and first Final gravity is anyone's guess though. That's because once the beer is finished in the primary, I'm going to throw in another pound of cherries in with the beer in the secondary. That will probably restart some fermentation with the additional sugars. So it'll be really hard to tell how much alcohol will be in this beer, and how sweet it will be. It could range anywhere from 5-7% ABV. Just don't tell the SWMBO, something like that might knock her socks off!

The only glitch in the recipe is that I had to use Wyeast American Ale I instead of the American Wheat Ale yeast I had originally planned for. The local homebrew store had run out the yeast I needed.

This will be the first beer I've made with real fruit made with it, and I'm hoping for a final product that doesn't taste like cherry cough syrup!