Anytime anyone wants to, if you're out at a bar or pub take a picture of a tap, all the taps, or just the tap you used while at the bar. Take it with a cell phone, or a regular camera, however, then send it to me here on the blog and I'll post about it. Just let me know where you took it.
So starting off with number one, here is Mike's from the Leesville Tap Room in North Raleigh.

Tell Lee that next time he takes a shot of a tap, not to drink so much as the shot was a bit blurring due to the COOH intake. Take the shot early in the evening before the barkeep puts your keys in a pint glass of solid ice!
Uncle Puck
I hope Mike's blurring wasn't due to COOH intake and would be from C2H6O instead. Unless of course a mouthful of bees stung him in the mouth, or he drank vinegar. Either way, if he's getting high off of carboxylic acids it might be time to intervene.
Dimethylether? Bite my gluteus maximus! I was just using the OH groups as a catch-all term. Sorry I wasn't "chemically symbolicly" correct. It should read CH3CH2OH. I forgot who owns the blog... ;) >{{{}}})'>
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